Progress report, October 2015

As mentioned in an earlier post: now that the second milestone on Patreon has been reached, I will provide monthly progress reports here on the website (aside from the Patreon updates) ^_^


For the past few days, I’ve been working on correcting some bugs that’s been reported (some of them have been fixed, but there’s something else that I’ll need to do some more testing to be sure I’ve been able to correct it). Bug reports are really helpful for me to receive, so I really appreciate when people take the time to send them to me. Thanks! ^_^

Aside from that, I’m currently working on adding Daisy The Cowgirl into the game.


She will be the next character added to the game. Who’s going to come after her is currently unknow, as there’s still a poll running on Patreon that will end the last day of November.

As might be expected, Daisy is going to have some scenes that features breast milk. Here is the lineart from two of the scenes during the battle (Erwan’s Fuck attack, and Golda’s Play attack). During Golda’s play attack, milk will be pouring from Daisy’s nipples as Golda’s sucking her nipples for the milk :3



Daisy’s placement: currently I’m uncertain exactly where to place Daisy. I am thinking of placing her in some kind of farm area, but I’m still thinking about what to place around her. So far, the catgirl and catboy have been met rather “randomly” (they’re just standing there), so I thought it could be nice to have some monstergirls be encountered in other ways (maybe Daisy’s got a booth for selling milk? Heh heh ^_^). I’ll think of something.

Magic: Erwan and Golda will soon have the ability to learn magic. They will learn it from a witch in the forest. I’m not sure yet wether this witch would want payment from them for the lessons, or if they should finish some kind of quest for her (finding something for her, save someone, or something).

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Public release of Update #2! ^_^

Today the updated version of the game is getting the public release, and you can download it on the “Download” page. I hope you’ll enjoy it ^_^


If any of you should encounter any bugs, please let me know on the “Report a Bug” page.

Now that the second milestone on Patreon has been reached, there’ll also be monthly progress updates here on this website. On October the 31st I’ll have the first progress post published, so stay tuned!

There’s also a poll running on Patreon at this moment, where you can vote for the upcoming character after Daisy the Cowgirl. If you like this game and would like to support it on Patreon to help it grow, make sure you also cast your vote on your favorite character to appear next ^_^

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Update #2 pre-released on Patreon!

I’m happy to announce that the updated version of “Monster Love Hotel” has been pre-released on Patreon! ^_^


I’d also like to thank everyone for the support. It’s with your help that this game will be able to grow!

In the end of October, this version will be released here on this website for everyone. In the meantime, I hope you might consider supporting the project if you enjoy it and would like to help contributing to the updates coming even faster ^_^

Here’s some screenshots:



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The new update will be released on Patreon this month! ^_^

If you’re supporting us on Patreon you might’ve already noticed this from the last post there: the next update to this game will be pre-released at the end of this month for all 5+ patreon supporters! ^_^

Our Patreon: //

I don’t know the exact date when it will be published there, but if you’re a Patreon supporter you get notifications by e-mail when there’s a new post. Also: together with the Patreon pre-release, I will also start running a poll for the upcoming character after Daisy. Daisy The Cowgirl will be included in the next game update after this one, but afterwards the Patreon supporters (all supporters, including the first tier ones) will be able to vote for the next character.

Approx. 4 weeks after the Patreon pre-release, this new update will be released here on the website. In other words, it will be available for everyone in the end of October. The pre-releases is a reward to the supporters, but all game updates will always be released for free afterwards. If you like this game and would like to see more of it, please consider supporting the project and help making it grow! ^_^

Here’s a few screenshots from the upcoming update. When the new update is added here on this website to everyone, I’ll make a new post with more screenshots and also some information about what’s new.


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Some new characters and answers to some questions!

Since this game was made official on 15th April (a little over 1 month and 2 weeks ago), I have been receiving a lot of positive feedback and some good suggestions, and I really appreciate that! I hope you’ll continue to enjoy the game ^_^

First of all, I’ll present to you some of the other upcoming characters that you’ll be able to fight in the game (those of you that are supporters on our Patreon page may already have seen these as they were posted a while ago ^_^). These won’t be all, but new ones won’t be added until these are completed at least. The upcoming character that will have the full sex fight added into the next game update, is “Calix The Catboy”, and after him I’ll be adding “Daisy The Cowgirl”. However, when these two characters have been added, I think I might add some kind of voting option to decide upon which characters will be next. Not sure about this yet, though…



Also, I’ve been receiving a lot of questions, where several of them have been asked multiple times (both in comments and in e-mail). So I thought I’d just post some of them here:

1. When will the next game update be?

Answer: I’m afraid this isn’t possible for me to say at this time. If the Patreon can get to the next milestone, I’ll be able to work on it more frequently than I am right now (as of now I’m only able to work on it in my spare-time). All I can say is that I am working on it whenever I can ^_^

2. Can you re-fight the characters after you’ve beat them? Currently it’s not possible to re-fight Rina afterwards.

Answer: Yes. In the Hotel I’ll add a section where you can “re-fight” the characters you’ve beaten. This can be used to level up your sex skill stats.

3. I read that Patreon supporters will get the next game update earlier than those of us who aren’t supporting. What kind of time-frame are we talking about?

Answer: $5+ Patreon supporters will get the next game update 3-4 weeks before it’s made public. That means everyone will be able to get the updates anyway, but those of you who are supporting the game and thus making it possible for me to work on it, gets rewarded with a pre-release ^_^

4. When I’ll encounter male characters in the game, they will have sex with Erwan too, right? I really don’t like yaoi, is there any way I can skip those?

Answer: It’s possible for you to choose wether you will fight with both Erwan and Golda, or just one of them. You can already do that with the Rina fight ^_^. This means people who doesn’t like yaoi can choose to only fight with Golda, and thus only have the straight sex animations. If you choose to fight with only one of the characters, though, all the sex animations for both characters will still be saved in the gallery.

5. When the game is updated with a new version, will I be able to keep my progress from the old one?

Answer: Yes. When the new update is added and you download the new version, just keep the file called “mlhsave”, and then you’ll be able to keep everything you’ve saved ^_^

6. Is there a place where I can see more of your work?

Answer: Yes ^_^. My personal website is

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